New South Wales, Hunter Region
Abermain Public Scool
Goulbourn St, Abermain, Ph 0414 255 078
Monday 5.pm -6.pm & 6pm - 7pm,Peter Mlekus 3rd Dan.
Wed 5.pm -6.pm & 6pm - 7pm, Rob Pearson 3rd Dan.
Ashtonfield Public School
Norfolk st, Ashtonfield. Ph 0400002951
Monday 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Steve Turner, 6th Dan
Wednesday 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Pete Payard, 5th Dan
Bellbird Community Hall
Wollombi Rd, Bellbird, Ph 0400 002 951
Tuesday 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Heidi Smaller, 3rd Dan
& Rob Snape, 3rd Dan.
Thursday 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Heidi Smaller, 3rd Dan
& Rob Snape, 3rd Dan.
Kitchener Public School. Tuesdays 5.30pm - 6.30pm.
Steve Turner 6th Dan, ph 0400 002951.
Starting Tue 6th June 2017.
Greta Community Hall
Water St, Greta, Ph 0400002951.
Tuesday 4.30pm - 5.30pm, Steve Turner 6th Dan, Steve Bartlett 2nd Dan.
Mulbring Community Hall
Mulbring, Ph. 0437 141 469
Tuesday 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Peter Payard, 5th Dan
Friday 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Peter Payard, 5th Dan
St Pauls Church Hall, Mount st,
Murrurrundi, Ph 0417 409 803
Monday 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Barry Sanders, 2nd Dan
Thursday 6.00pm - 7.00pm, Andrew Davis, 2nd Dan
Singleton PCYC
High St, Singleton, Ph 0400002951.
Monday 6.00pm -7.00pm, Peter Ham 2nd Dan,
Thursday 6.00pm -7.00pm, Majella Nancarrow 2nd Dan.
Cessnock Scout Hall. Mondays 10am to 11am. Home Schooled kids and parents. Steve Turner. 0400002951.
Cooranbong Public Scool
Government Rd, Cooranbong, Ph 0400 002 951
Tuesday 3.15pm - 4.15pm, Steve Turner, 6th Dan
25 Gwendoline Drive, Berwick, Victoria, ph 0435248589.
Thursdays 6.15pm - 7.15pm, Chief Instructor Wayne Bubb, 4th Dan.
Don Memorial Hall, Forth Rd Don, Devonport, Thursdays 6.30- 7.30.Senior Instructor Stuart Riches 3rd Dan & Senior Instructor Sonia Riches 2nd Dan. Ph 0438781591 or 0409522000.
Wollombi Hall
Wollombi Rd, Wollombi, Ph 0400 002 951
Thursday 4.00pm -5.00pm, Steve Turner, 6th Dan